Occupational therapy is the science that helps people of all ages to carry out all daily activities that are important to them, despite the difficulties they may face because of a problem or disability.

The occupational therapist can work with people of all ages, from infancy to old age. The occupational therapist may address a wide range range of conditions and problems and provide effective therapeutic treatment.

The therapeutic treatment aims at improving the flexibility and overall motor skills of the upper limbs, improving fine motor capabilities, accomplishing maximum autonomy for daily life activities, improving concentration and attention for obtaining knowledge, the perceptual capabilities and the writing skills, and resolving problems associated with self servicing.

Using modern models and methods (motor learning), granting aids for better autonomy in activities of daily life.

  • Chronic Neurological Diseases
  • Brain paralysis
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Rare Neurological Syndromes
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Autism
  • Mentally handicapped
  • Learning difficulties


The professional level of our health care specialists ensures the reliability and high quality of our services. The trust shown our patients is our basic testimonial.